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Dunant, a Swiss doctor who was in Paris at the time to care for his mother, died of an infection in his leg. After reading about this incident in the New York Tribune, which was then edited by Horace Greeley, Dunant was inspired by this tragedy and developed his first aid kit with the intention of alleviating the suffering of soldiers wounded on the battlefield. He presented it in Switzerland in 1866 and called it "Eine Erinnerung an Solferino". Konrad Ziegler used Dunant's memory for this design. It is made of medical grade materials that are antiseptic, non-toxic and safe. About the BookItaly's history is discussed in numerous texts. The ancient Greeks, Etruscans and Celts all established settlements in Italy, but the Italic tribe called the Latins formed the city of Rome as a Kingdom, which eventually became a Republic that united all of Italy by the third century BC. The Roman Empire eventually emerged as the dominant power of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea due to the military victories of generals such as Scipio, Aemilius Paullus, Scipio Aemilianus, Gaius Marius, Lucius Sulla, Pompey and Julius Caesar. However, the Western Roman Empire collapsed due to barbarian invasions in 476, when Odoacer deposed Romulus Augustus. Subsequently, the Italian peninsula was conquered by the Goths, the Byzantines and the Lombards, until Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor in 800 in Rome. The crusades launched by Pope Urban II and his successors boosted economic activity, causing the European economy to shift from agriculture to trade, which resulted in the banking industry and the first universities to appear in the west. During the Renaissance, Italy was at the forefront of philosophy, art, science and exploration, producing outstanding figures such as Leonardo, Dante, Giotto, Marco Polo, Machiavelli, Michelangelo, Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, and Galileo. After the Holy League fended off Ottoman expansion, parts of Italy came under Napoleonic and Hapsburg control. After the Congress of Vienna (1815), the Risorgimento movement united Italy and liberated it from foreign control by 1870. Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, King Victor Emmanuel II and Prime Minister Camillo Cavour came to be known as the four fathers of the fatherland. However, Italy's contribution to the Allied effort in World War 1 ironically assisted the rise of fascism and the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini, which ultimately led to an alliance with Germany and Japan in World War 2, and the Italian Civil War. About usLeopold Classic Library has the goal of making available to readers the classic books that have been out of print for decades. While these books may have occasional imperfections, we consider that only hand checking of every page ensures readable content without poor picture quality, blurred or missing text etc. That's why we: republish only hand checked books;that are high quality;enabling readers to see classic books in original formats; thatare unlikely to have missing or blurred pages.You can search "Leopold Classic Library" in categories of your interest to find other books in our extensive collection.Happy reading!

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✔ Titel: Eine Erinnerung an Solferino
✔ Bewertung : 4.6 von 5 basierend auf (31 Sternebewertungen)
✔ Sprache: Deutsch
✔ E-Book-Format: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML und MOBI
✔ Unterstützte Geräte: Android, iOS, PC und Amazon Kindle

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